Publish date: 10 July 2023


We upload our newsletters to YourSpace each week as a PDF so you can share with staff who don’t access their emails regularly, or print them out!

Visit YourWeek or YourPeople page on YourSpace then click on the ‘recent newsletters’ drop down.

Staff Facebook Group

Also, let them know about our staff Facebook group!

All staff are welcome to join our private staff Facebook group to keep up to date with news, events, people stories, and wellbeing information when and where it suits you.

You are able to ask questions and help other staff members with theirs!

To protect the privacy of the group and ensure it remains limited to Mersey Care staff, you will need to provide three pieces of information before being accepted into the group:

  • What team you work in
  • Where you work
  • Confirm you agree with the group’s rules (listed on Facebook)