Boingboing resilience research and practice

Vision, mission, aims and objectives

Vision A loving, fun and fair world where individuals from all walks of life are valued and respected. If serious challenges arise, we enlist each other to overcome them together.

Mission Working together as staff, volunteers, and friends from all walks of life to beat the odds and change the odds through resilience research and practice.

Aim To model and promote resilience research and practice that challenges social inequalities, drawing on all our skills as staff, volunteers, and friends.


• To facilitate and promote a socially just approach to advancing resilience research and practice
• To provide opportunities for all Boingboingers to develop their skills and reach their potential
• To model and promote the benefits and practice of meaningful co-production.

The following research publication provides information on how to support autistic service users within the healthcare setting. Providing recommendations as a result of coproduction methodology.

More Than Words: Supporting effective communication with autistic people in health care settings - Boingboing



To follow.