Thalamos.PNGMersey Care successfully transitioned which means that all statutory Mental Health Act forms (for services using Rio only) should be completed using Thalamos. It’s the Trust’s expectation that you use this new process. All admission, community treatment order, hospital, treatment and discharge forms should be completed on Thalamos. Local authorities (approved mental health professionals) have gone live with Thalamos so will send forms to Mersey Care electronically.

Services that use PACIS are not using Thalamos and are to continue with current processes.

If you have a Thalamos account but need something changing or are having access issues please contact Informatics Merseyside IT Service Desk: or phone: 0151 296 7070.

  • You should have a Thalamos icon on your desktop
  • You can also access Thalamos from any device via the following link: eMHA by Thalamos
  • To request a Thalamos account or training, please contact Informatics Merseyside Training Service:
  • For help, guidance videos and support, please go to Thalamos’ help pages via this link

  • Please check that you have been placed in the correct team - you will see what teams you have access to when you log in
  • To log in, go to: Thalamos and enter your Mersey Care email address
  • Make sure your profile is updated to include accreditations so that the software allows you to complete the correct forms for your role (click on the cog icon next to name at the bottom left of the screen to update).

  • Reduction in illegal detentions
  • Reduction in errors and amendment on forms
  • Time saving, demographics are already completed on the forms via data held within Thalamos
  • Streamlined communication and collaboration between teams
  • Reduced paperwork and administrative burden for staff
  • Real time tracking and monitoring of form completion status.

  • Integration with Rio which will enable the Mental Health Act administrator to directly send completed forms from Thalamos to Rio. This will eliminate the need to scan and upload paper forms into Rio
  • The ability to trace the patient from Rio and automatically create the patient on Thalamos, rather than having to create the patient from scratch on Thalamos. This will reduce errors and has the potential to reduce illegal detentions.