If you have any queries about organising an event or using the form below, email events@merseycare.nhs.uk.

We are a leading care provider and our events – especially those where we have guests – should always look and feel of the highest quality, reflecting our status and the professionalism of our staff and services. We want to make a strong impression and be visible as the provider and employer of choice. Your event should make a strong and positive impression and we want to help to deliver that.

Where events are open to the public, we should always be able to point people to information about our services in general and where they can find details of employment opportunities. This may only need a short briefing or a website URL but always ask so we can support you.

The communications team manages delivery of events, projects and campaigns that can help reduce stigma, improve understanding and aid recovery, for example:

  • International Women’s and Think Family Day
  • International Nurses’ Day
  • World Mental Health Day
  • Clinical Senate
  • Carers events.

All requests for organising an event should be sent to the events manager before booking or confirming venues.

The events booking form, found below on this page, should be completed. This will be emailed to the events manager.

If you have any questions, please email: events@merseycare.nhs.uk


The events manager will propose a selection of venues based on the information you have provided in the events booking form.

You will be given three different venue options and will need to choose the option which best suits your needs, audience and price range.

When a venue has been agreed, the events manager will provisionally hold a date with the venue and provide you with the costs and details to raise an order and confirm a purchase order number. An event contract cannot be signed without a purchase order number.

Once the purchase order number is received the events manager will sign the contract for the venue booking. Once signed events cannot be cancelled without incurring a charge, for which your service is liable.

The signed contract is confirmation of the booking. Events planning meetings will be arranged to discuss audio visual requirements, invitations, agendas, speakers, presentations, catering, registration and any other requirements for the event.

Additional costs

All costs, including additional audio-visual requirements, dietary and accessibility requirements will be covered by your team. The events manager is not responsible for any costs.

Promoting the event

The events manager will send out a ‘save the date’ communication, invitations, arrange for the event to be advertised (on the Trust website, extranet calendar, newsletter, staff Facebook and social media – where appropriate) and coordinate the responses and booking of delegates attending. The events manager will also review delegate information to make sure the event meets all accessibility requirements.


All presentations must be sent to the events manager at least seven days prior to the event. This provides sufficient time for resources to be branded and slides imported into a master slide deck. This gives time to allow for any accessibility needs to be actioned, for example, easy read or braille forms. It also allows us to check and test any external hyperlinks or large videos embedded, revise any graphical content and confirm consent requirements for any pictures of people.

Between five and three days prior to the event, the events manager will send out joining instructions to all delegates confirming venue information, the final agenda and any other useful information.

If support is required at the event, the events manager may be on site to help you run the event, provided sufficient notice is given.

If you have a request from, or would like to invite a high profile visitor such as a member of the Royal family, the local or Lord Mayor, an MP, a local councillor, a health minister, senior NHS figure or a local celebrity, in line with the Official Visitor’s policy, please email communications@merseycare.nhs.uk for advice and guidance.

Event booking form