The health and safety team provide specialist advice and support Trust wide to staff and senior management. The team are located within the Estates and Facilities department.

The team support Estates and Facilities with reviewing of method statements and risk assessments and COSHH related concerns. The team are responsible for the Trust health and safety policies and procedures and ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation. All staff must carry out a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments which the health and safety team support staff with completing if required.

The team support in carrying out workplace inspections, risk assessments (COVID, Environmental Suicide  Risk Assessments (ESRAS’s)) and audits (QRV, SPA). The health and safety team are an integral part in any projects (new builds or refurbishment) and can provide advice and support from the design phase on any projects. The health and safety team also deliver health and safety training on Trust Induction. 

The Trust fire drills, fire warden training and evacuation chair training is also the responsibility of the health and safety team. Manual handling Training (object and patient focused) is also delivered by the health and safety team.

Any security issues outside of Secure Care Division is the responsibility of the health and safety team including security risk assessments and lone working arrangements. 

The team support the Trust with CCTV compliance and the downloading of CCTV footage and having input into the design of the CCTV system. The health and safety team support staff when dealing with Police issues and supporting staff with any violence and aggression concerns.

Health and Safety Team

Name Job title Division Contact number
Joanne Fowlis Head of Safety and Security Trust-wide 07443 265 467

Joe Murray

Senior Safety Advisor


07584 642 726

David Berry

Safety Advisor

Mental Health Care

07880 457 950

Emma Kenwright

Safety Advisor

Mental Health Care

07500 552 858

Lewis Wilson

Safety and Security Coordinator


07826 944 725


The Health and Safety team is contactable via

Fire Safety Team

Name Email Title

Laura Broughton

Senior Fire Safety Advisor

John Backstrom

Fire Safety Advisor  

Rob Whalley

Fire Safety Advisor


Manual Handling Team

Name Email Title Division
Jason O'Flaherty

Manual Handling

Clinical Lead for Falls


Mid Mersey

Stephen Stelfox Manual Handling Trainer Trust-wide

Victoria Spencer

Manual Handling Trainer
