Count Me In is being introduced at our AGM on 25 September and aims to encourage more patient and service users to get involved in research activities. It allows researchers, not just clinicians, to directly contact service users and patients who are eligible.

The second and final phase involves building the technical system and establishing data protocols, which is expected to be complete by the end of 2024. At this point, it will be possible for researchers to contact patients and service users who might be eligible to take part in research activities.

The system offers them more control and opportunities to engage in research that benefits both themselves and others, by improving services. 

1. Informing service users and patients: They are informed about Count Me In (CMI) through letters, posters, videos, leaflets, screens in waiting areas and the Trust's website. 

2. Patient choice: Service users and patients can opt out of being contacted about research by:  

Option 1:  

Completing an online form available via the website.

Option 2:  

Calling 0151 351 8476 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, to receive assistance to complete the online form 

Option 3: Consulting with their clinicians, who will direct them to option 1 or 2. 

Service user and patient preferences are recorded on the M-RIC Trusted Research Environment (TRE). A TRE is a highly secure and controlled computing environment that allows approved researchers a safe way to access, store and analyse sensitive data relevant to their research.

*Patients can also opt-back in by following the same process above.  

3. CMI team and researcher access: Data scientists in M-RIC linked with the CMI team will review the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of service users who meet the research criteria. The CMI project manager will cross reference the output from the TRE list generated from EHRs against the Master Service user List (MSL) which contains details of those who have opted out. Only patient ID numbers are shared with researchers to protect privacy. 

4. Initial contact by CMI team: The CMI programme manager, supported by clinicians, will contact eligible service users or patients to confirm their interest and capacity for research participation. Interested service users or patients’ ID numbers are then passed to researchers. 

5. Consent and data protection: Researchers provide detailed study information and obtain consent from eligible service users and patients, adhering to strict data protection protocols. 

Count Me In supplements traditional clinician led research recruitment, making it easier for service users and patients to learn about and participate in research.

  • We are using a range of communication methods to inform patients and service users about Count Me In and how to opt out
  • Opt-out preferences are recorded in Dynamis (a secure system).

Data protection protocols are strictly followed, and information is only shared with consent.

Information for service users

A paragraph will be added to all service user letters to help raise awareness of Count Me In, as follows:

Mersey Care now uses a Count Me In system which ensures that everyone is informed about research activities at Mersey Care which are relevant to them.  To find out more or to opt out of receiving information about research, please visit the Mersey Care website: