Welcome to the page about the RRP team. Please click the drop downs below to find out more about our work and how we can help you.
- Chen Shoko, Nurse Consultant for Reducing Restrictive Practices
- Ant Daniels, Lead of Quality and Innovation (Reducing Restrictive Practices) for Secure Division
- Tori Wolfendale, Lead of Quality and Innovation (Reducing Restrictive Practices) for Secure Division
- Adam Thorpe, Personal Safety Service Trainer and Reducing Restrictive Practices Practitioner for Secure Division
- Scott Parker, Lead of Quality and Innovation (Reducing Restrictive Practices) for Mental Health Care Division
- David Riley, Quality Improvement Partner.
The team focuses on four key areas in clinical services across the trust.
Sharing of ideas:
- Through representation at clinical meetings (e.g. MDT’s, Supportive Observation Reviews)
- Facilitation of Barriers to Change Meetings, Reflective Practices and Joint Thinking Spaces
- Attendance to non-clinical meetings.
Practice leadership:
- Role modelling the trust values, No Force First, least restrictive and HOPE(s) philosophy
- Identifying and responding proactively to service training needs
- Offering a network of support to clinicians to embed the RRP philosophy.
Knowledge into practice:
- Cultural change agents to translate RRP knowledge into practice
- To support services in ensuring that restrictions implemented are necessary and proportionate, justified and ethical which are in line with human rights and authorised under appropriate legal and procedural frameworks and are clearly documented
- To support services in ensuring restrictions implemented are adhering to the Mental Health Act (MHA) 1983 and the associated Code of Practice for LTS
- To support services in ensuring restrictions implemented are adhering to the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and the associated Code of Practice.
Advice and consultation:
- Providing advice regarding legal frameworks and national guidelines, promoting positive risk taking, and promoting the “No Force First” and HOPE(s) philosophy in practice
- Representation at Senior Leadership and Clinical Meetings
- Facilitation of Barriers to Change meetings with patients nursed in seclusion/segregation
- Involvement in the seclusion and LTS review process as a “critical friend”
- Extensive clinical expertise to support clinical teams with decision-making and knowledge of key literature, policy and legislation.
Department of Health and Social Care Publications: