Nationally, for providers of healthcare, pressure damage is one of the highest clinical risks, yet with the right prevention strategies in place harm can be avoided.

The reduction of pressure ulcers have formed part of many national and local initiatives including: National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), Harm Free Care initiatives: Safety Thermometer, CQUIN, Sign up to Safety, Stop the Pressure and React to Red.

Previously, on an annual basis an aggregated review was undertaken of all Root Cause Analysis (RCA) reviews into community acquired avoidable pressure ulcers. Consistent themes were identified on a year by year basis and these themes have formed the basis of the Pressure Ulcer Reduction Programme. 

The key themes are as follows:

  • The high risk patient
  • Workforce, safer staffing, skill mix, competencies, education and training
  • Education: carers, social care, third sector
  • Mental capacity and shared decision making
  • Equipment
  • Risk Assessment and management

This microsite has been developed as a one-stop resource for all staff to ensure they can keep up to date with developments in relation to pressure ulcers.