Use evidence based tools to aid decision making. Our regional and local model for planning care for palliative and EOLC patients is the North West Model for Life Limiting Conditions (NWM). This should be used in conjunction with Gold Standard Framework and the Trust’s policies and procedures. 

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Gold Standards Framework (GSF) is a national model to identify where a patient may be in their disease trajectory.

GSF recommends starting with the surprise question “Would you be surprised if your patient was to die in the next 12 months?” 

If you wouldn’t be surprised, your patient should be discussed at your next GSF/MDT/Palliative meeting with the patient’s GP.  At this meeting there should be a decision made what timeframe your patient may be at: for example blue (years), green (months), amber (weeks) or red (days).  Care should be planned according to the GSF and the North West Model for Life Limiting Conditions (NWM). 

Useful links

National and regional information and resources: