Introduction to LeDeR 

What is LeDeR?

Learning from the Lives and Deaths of People with a Learning Disability and Autistic people (LeDeR). 

A national service improvement programme that commenced in 2017 and is funded by NHSE.


1. Improve care.

2. Reduce health inequalties.

3. Prevent premature mortality of people with a learning disability and autistic people.

For further information please contact Andy Stevenson by email project manager for learning disabilties and autism.

Further details can be found on the NHS England website:

Notification of a death to LeDeR

Achieved by reviewing information about the health and social care support people reviewed when they were alive.                                 

The death of anyone with a learning disability or a clinical diagnosis of autism living in Cheshire and Merseyside that is notified to LeDeR is reviewed.

Anyone can tell LeDeR that someone with a learning disability or an Autistic person has died.

This can be done via the link to NHS England:

What happens when LeDeR are notified?                                                                     

An independent reviewer will contact some of the people who were helping to meet the individual's care needs.

The reviewer will speak to the family, GP and someone who knew the person well. 

The reviewer will complete a report identifying what worked well for that individual and what did not work as well (LeDeR report).   

This will include:

1. how potential health inequalities were addressed.

2. what reasonable adjustments were made.

3. if any concerns about care were being expressed.

Where concerns are apparent, a more detailed focused review  may be carried out.

The final completed review will include recommnedations for change where necessary.

Across the Learning Disability Community Teams (CLDTs) and Autism services, key priority areas relating to the physical health needs of people with a learning disability and / or autistic people have been identified from both local, regional and national guidance following aggregation of LeDeR reviews.

The 10 key priority areas are shown below. For each priorty area a working group has been established to deliver on a set of agreed objectives in order to support the reduction in physical health inequalities for autisitc people and / or those with a learning disability across our geographical footprint. Progress, updates and resources can be found within each priority area below.

  1. BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic groups)
  2. MCA (Mental Capacity Act)
  3. AHC (Annual Health Checks)
  4. Cancer Screening
  5. STOMP and STAMP
  6. Weight Management
  7. Autism
  8. DST (Decision Support Tool)
  9. End of Life and Bereavement
  10. Epilepsy