Publish date: 27 March 2025

This month’s health and safety tips focus on manual handling for patient care and counter-terrorism awareness to enhance workplace safety and preparedness.

Health and Safety

There is an increase in requests for the Manual Handling team to support teams with patient care due to staff not being trained in equipment to support the patient. The Trust Manual Handling Training is available to all staff, should you feel your job requires you to support the moving and handling of patients and the use of manual handling equipment and you haven’t had training please sign up in the Prospectus .

It’s important that staff are aware of the manual handling equipment that is available in the ward environment and that they are trained to utilise the equipment . The Manual Handling team have provided a folder to each older person’s ward which contains the auditing of equipment and provides supporting information. If you need any Manual Handling advice, please contact


The National Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Security e-Learning training provides specialised counter-terrorism awareness training to allow colleagues to prepare and respond to any potential terrorist incidents. This training is a life skill, not just for work but in everyday living due to the society in which we live in.  The training is an interactive session and very engaging and encourage colleagues to undertake this training which available on ESR.  It can be accessed by logging into ESR, clicking My Learning on the left side of the screen, and searching for 350 Counter Terrorism. Once enrolled, the learner can click the course name and select play from the top right of the screen: