Listening Rooms

You may already know that as a Mersey Care employee, you can get Access to Staff Psychological and Mental Health Support if you ever feel you need it. In the current situation, people may be feeling things more acutely with a combination of our own family anxieties and work pressures on top of that. Teams and managers are doing a great job at putting in that extra support, though if you or your teams feel like you’d like a chat (nothing more than a listening ear) to talk through your worries, concerns, or emotions, a Listening Room could help.

What are the Listening Rooms?

Our Listening Rooms offer staff onsite brief intervention, signposting and support when in distress. Our team is onsite to really ‘hear’ and understand how you are feeling and help signpost to other wellbeing service if needs be. The facilitators of the sessions are Mental Health First Aiders, not therapists.

Listening Rooms are not...

Our Listening Rooms are not a formal approach; you won’t be assessed, put on a waiting list, or be offered any therapeutic support. The facilitator(s) can direct you to appropriate services if required. You will have the opportunity to have a personalised wellbeing action plan developed and be signposted to further wellbeing programmes if desired.

How to arrange a Listening Room

If you would like one of our Listening Room facilitators to come out and speak with your team, please contact the team.

Urgent support and self help guides

Resources and specialist services are available if you need urgent mental health support. Please see our website and the urgent help pages which include numbers for the crisis lines and other immediate support numbers.

The following resources may be useful: