Self Assessments help team leaders think about evidence they could provide to support preparation for both QRV’s and future CQC visits. The questions are directly from the QRV report template which is informed by the CQC’s Key Lines Of Enquiries (KLOEs).

* Part One consists of core questions that teams should be able to rate as Good. Each question also includes the definition of the Good Plus rating. Teams are expected to be working towards, or are already able to demonstrate, evidence to achieve the Good Plus rating.

* Part Two consists of questions that have been highlighted from themes extracted from previously completed QRV’s Trust wide. These questions may be more challenging for teams to demonstrate or evidence as Good.  

* Questions that appears to have multiple statements should be answered ‘Yes’ to all components to rate as Good or Good Plus*

There is now one question sets being answered Trust wide, enabling meaningful data to be gathered and analysed to support teams, service lines, divisions and the Trust as a whole to identify areas of good practice and areas where further support is needed.

Team leaders have 3 months to complete the quarterly Self Assessment on Audit Management and Tracking (AMaT) and submit before midnight on the last day of each quarter –

Quarter 1 = 1 April to 30 June

Quarter 2 = 1 July to 30 September

Quarter 3 = 1 October to 31 December

Quarter 4 = 1 January to 31 March

 1. Audit Management and Tracking (AMaT) works best with Microsoft Edge so we recommend using this when completing your Self Assessments.

2. Log into AMaT at - you can set up an account using your Mersey Care email address and create a password (all team leaders should have log in details).

3. Once you’re logged into AMaT, the home page will appear.

AMaT 1.png

4. Click the ‘Ward & area audit’ bubble.

5. On the ‘Ward & area audit’ page, select your team name from the ‘ a ward..’ drop down box.

Ward and area.png

6. Once your team name is selected, click search on the bottom right hand side.

7. Scroll down.  Note: only audits relevant for your team’s completion this month will be visible. Find the audit titled ‘CQC Self Assessment’ and click the 0 (Input Data) option in the progress column.

8. Complete every question by selecting Yes, No or N/A.

9. Under each question, add a comment to support your answer where possible i.e. how you would evidence the response you have given to that question.

10. Once you had answered all questions, click submit at the bottom of the form.