This page has been set up to support the implementation of electronic job planning.

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust are about to embark on the implementation of an electronic job planning system (Allocate).

We will have four phases of implementation, and AHP teams have been allocated a phase in which electronic job planning will be introduced in their team.

To learn more, please see some FAQs below including details of information sessions.

The purpose of job planning is to ensure there is enough clinical capacity to meet the expected demands on the clinical service, while balancing the development needs of people and organisations.

Job planning enables the effective and efficient use of resources to deliver high quality care. At its heart is a drive to provide patient-centred care that meets the local populations’ needs and improves outcome.

Job planning has been highlighted by NHS England as a significant area of focus for overall improved efficiencies and transformation across the NHS. Job planning is recognised as an important means of linking best use of resources with quality outcomes for patients and as a useful element in service redesign.

  • Job planning provides an opportunity for AHPs and their managers to agree what proportion of each role will be attributed to clinical care and other specific supporting clinical activities.
  • It provides an opportunity for AHPs to describe the activities that they deliver that are non-patient facing and the added value this brings for patients.
  • CPD and training is included in job plans ,to support continued improvement of people and services.

Best practice guidance supports job planning for AHP’s: aps-job-planning-best-practice-guide-2019.pdf (

If you are part of phase 1, you will have received an email from Krystina Stanway or inviting you to join a training session.

The full implementation plan detailing each of the phases will be shared with each of the divisions early February. If you have not received this, please email 


Who should attend?

Date and time


Launch session: learn more about electronic job planning

Anyone can attend this session (not just those in phase 1)

Thursday, 6 February

3.30pm – 4.30pm

Microsoft Team

Email for joining link

Admin training session

Identified superusers in phase 1 (If you have been identified as a superuser, you will have received an email)

Wednesday, 26 February

9.30am – 1.30pm

Hollins Park

Email to register

Manager training session

For managers of staff in phase 1 who will be approving/signing off job plans

Wednesday, 26 February

2.00pm – 4.00pm

Hollins Park

Email to register

Clinician training session 1

For all clinicians in phase 1 who will have a job plan


Choice of three sessions, please attend one.

Thursday, 27 February

1.00pm – 3.00pm

Face to face, venue TBC

Email to register

Clinician training session 2

Monday, 3 March

9.30am – 11.30am

Microsoft Teams

Email to register

Clinician training session3

Monday, 3 March

12.00pm – 2.00pm

Drop in sessions

Drop in sessions with the project team for anyone who has queries.

Friday, 28 February

1.00pm – 2.00pm


Wednesday, 5 March

3.30 – 4.30pm


Monday, 10 March

 9.30am – 10.30am


Thursday, 27 March

1.00pm – 2.00pm


Microsoft Teams

Email to register

AHP job planning launch session