Publish date: 14 December 2023

Nativity.jpgService users led festivities in Whalley this week, reading the Christmas story and helping to light the advent crown, in a busy carol concert. Maplewood service users delivered the readings (and some Christmassy heckles!) at the legendary service which took place inside Herbstones restaurant on Tuesday. They were supported by our chaplain Niall Cotter and Adult Education Lead Ellen Axon.

The Salvation Army Brass Band provided the music and guests included community leaders and trust leads. Elaine Darbyshire thanked everyone for their work in planning what was a very successful and good spirited afternoon.

Herbstones' catering was as great as ever with mince pies for all. The Whalley onsite restaurant has also been serving its legendary Christmas dinner this week in Whalley for the final time. This included hosting the annual families' and carers' meal on Thursday.

Our low secure and specialist learning disability services in Whalley continue to be provided until the opening of Aspen Wood in March next year. This week, patients supported by Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS began to arrive at the refurbished Woodview building on site. That Trust will assume full control of the site next year.