Do you want to 'know your numbers'?

Health checks empower you to understand your current level of general health and fitness. They can help you to discover any potential associated health risks you may have, and you'll also receive personalised wellbeing advice.

Our Occupational Health and Wellbeing Services can offer you and your team mini health checks which can be done in your workplace. You can get in touch with us to arrange a time for us to visit your team. Or you can come to us, see the dates and venues below.

The mini health checks can include:

All assessments are optional - you can choose which measures you want to include in your mini health check and exclude the ones you don't. Having all assessments done takes around 20 minutes. The mini health checks are designed to support you to make realistic, positive lifestyle changes, offering lifestyle advice and support. You will not be provided with medical advice and may be signposted to your GP if necessary. 

Confirmed dates for booking and drop in opportunities

Date Venue Time Registration
Monday 10 February V7 Building (Trust Headquarters) 10am - 3pm click here to book an appointment
Tuesday 18 February Occupational Health and Wellbeing Department, Hollins Park House, Hollins Park Hospital 10am-3pm click here to book an appointment


If you would like the wellbeing team to come to your base to offer health checks to your team, please email us here.





The mini health checks are run by our team of Health and Wellbeing Facilitators whom have previous experience of running sessions of this type and have the knowledge to provide the appropriate advice that you may find useful, following your check.

It is the responsibility of the team requesting the visit to book an appropriate room. 

We are also offering the opportunity for individuals to visit one of our bases for a 1:1 appointment.

Both the team visits and 1:1 appointments are subject to capacity.

Any queries should be directed to