All services in Mersey Care are to access British Sign Language and related communication to support deaf and deafblind people via the specialist provider Signalise Co-op.

Services within the original Mersey Care footprint access translation and interpretation support from Language Line.

Services from the former Mid Mersey Division access translation and interpretation support from DA Languages.

Mersey Care has teamed up with Signalise Co-op to provide Sign Language Interpreters and other communication professionals to support service users and carers accessing the Trust’s services, members of staff and family members.

Signalise Co-op, an organisation run by members of the local deaf community and BSL/English interpreters, can provide support face to face and via video interpretation.

Signalise provides the following services:

  • A dedicated local team
  • Online booking platform (as well as options to book by email or phone)
  • Option to book specific interpreters
  • Option to state preferences of the Deaf user for the sex of their interpreter
  • Option to request repeat appointments with one interpreter (providing continuity)
  • Secure and easy to use video interpreting service for short conversations e.g. booking an appointment / telephone triage.

Getting set up

To sign up to the booking platform please go to:

You will need to input the Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust 5 digit PIN which is: 20155

You will find all the information you need on the information page

To book support for your patient /service user using the online portal go to

Create a new face to face interpreter booking on-line here or ring 0151 808 0373 or email:

The Signalise team will require the following information on booking:

  • Name of the service user
  • Communication need: BSL interpreter / Deafblind interpreter / Lipspeaker / Lipspeaker with additional sign
  • Appointment details: start time / end time / location / clinician's name (if applicable)
  • Does the service user have a preferred interpreter?
  • Does the service user have a preference for the sex of the interpreter?
  • Does the service user have any additional needs? e.g. additional disability
  • Service user’s SMS number for confirmation of the interpreter
  • Any further information?

Urgent Bookings

Please note for any bookings after 6pm for the following day, please telephone.

Online BSL: Booking an ‘on demand’ or pre-booked video interpreted call

We understand some of our unplanned care services may require BSL support for patients and service users on demand. The Signalise video service enables you to call and be connected to a BSL interpreter 24/7. It is also useful for short calls such as making appointments or emergencies before an interpreter can be on site.

The patient can be present for the call or Signalise can connect to them remotely.

Please register for the online platform as detailed above. Via the online platform select “Create a video booking” link in the top bar.

To access video report BSL you need to book this via the Signalise platform detailed above.  The team at Signalise can talk you through how to do this. 

This could be vital in situations such as you have a BSL user on an inpatient ward, Walk In Centre and Life Rooms.


Signalise provides a training portal where you can find short courses on everything you need to know about providing access to deaf service users, including walkthrough videos. Course available include:

Information in British Sign Language for patients, families and professionals on the Deaf users’ page.

Please see the posters below one is for staff to be able to make bookings, the other is for D/deaf service users/carers.  The QR code and website link takes them to information about what Signalise provide.


bsl QR.png