Publish date: 14 March 2025

Screenshot 2025-03-14 115553.pngAfter an extraordinary career spanning over four decades, the Telehealth team bids a fond farewell to Bernie Malone, Telehealth Nurse Advisor, as she embarks on a well deserved retirement. Bernie’s journey in nursing began at Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, where she started her student nurse training and qualified in 1979. Her early career saw her specialising in Maxillo-Facial Surgery from 1980 to 1985 before moving into gynaecology as a sister from 1985 to 1991.

Bernie’s passion for patient care and clinical excellence led her to work as a Senior Sister in Gynaecology and Family Planning Specialties. In 1991, she transitioned into Primary Care as a Nurse Practitioner and Specialist Nurse. She led Chronic Disease Management Clinics and became the Chair of the Practice Nurse Group at Chelsea and Westminster Authority. Her leadership and expertise in chronic disease management laid the foundation for improved patient outcomes and innovative care models.

From 2003 to 2016, Bernie took on the role of Practice Manager, where she established and expanded Chronic Disease Management Clinics, reinforcing her reputation as a leader in patient-centred care. In 2016, Bernie joined Telehealth from LCH, where her impact has been nothing short of transformative. Her leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic was pivotal, providing stability and direction during a time of immense challenge. Bernie strengthened the Telehealth team through her empowerment, education, and influential leadership, leaving a legacy of resilience and excellence.

Beyond her professional achievements, Bernie is known for her warmth, generosity, and incredible baking skills. Her famous flapjacks have brought comfort and joy to many team meetings, and her supportive nature has made her a cherished colleague and friend.

As Bernie steps into retirement, we extend our heartfelt thanks for her outstanding service and unwavering dedication. The Telehealth team will miss her deeply, but we wish her all the best for a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement. Thank you Bernie – and don’t forget to visit with those flapjacks!