Within this page, you will be able to find information related to the catering facilities at the different hospitals across the Trust.

Hollins Perk 2.jpgThe onsite restaurant at Hollins Park is called Hollins Perk

Breakfast will be available from 8.45am to 10.30am and lunch will be available from 12pm to 1.30pm.

Update on prices - Annual Retail Price Uplift

Hollins Perk opening hours

  • Monday to Thursday - 8.30am to 2.30pm
  • Friday - 8.30am to 2.30pm
  • Breakfast is served - 8.45am to 10.30am
  • Lunch is served - 12pm to 1.30pm  


New, authentic Indian curry dishes - Special Offers on Thursday, 21st November - menu attached

Further information

We welcome your feedback on the food in our restaurant. Pick up a feedback form from when you next visit the restaurant and tell us what you think.  

For further information please contact The Hollins Park Catering Department 01925 664 137.