Are you supporting autistic people or those awaiting diagnosis?
Our team can offer specialist input and quick responses to help you to support your patients.
- One-off consultation
- Enhanced consultation
- Group consultation
- Reflective practice.
How to refer
Please complete the attached referral form and return to amhstconsultation
We are pleased to offer further dates for our successful training for all staff, aimed at helping you to recognise, understand and work effectively with autistic adults.
See dates for 2025 in the attached document.
This interactive training will:
- Increase your understanding of autism and neurodiversity
- Provide information/tools on how you can understand, assess and provide effective interventions for adults with autism and mental health difficulties
- Reflect on and identify realistic and potential reasonable adjustments you can make in your own work
- Suggest what models and approaches can assist you in your work
- Show you why we think in the way we do and understand why we can struggle with difference.
We also offer bespoke training to teams and a specialist ASC consultation service to support staff in their work with people on the spectrum.
The training is also available to external professionals.
"I have done numerous ASC / neurodiversity training as both ASC champion and as a mum with ASC children and wanted to say that was probably one of the best training I have been on. Quite powerful and quite in tune with how professionals feel about working with individuals with ASC."
We support the Dynamic Support Database.
This is a database which monitors risk of admission to mental health wards for patients who have a confirmed diagnosis of ASC and / or learning disability.
This is risk rated by RED, AMBER, GREEN, (RAG) rating.
Outcomes will be prompted based on level of risk.
“The Transforming Care programme aims to improve the lives of children, young people and adults with a learning disability and/or autism who display behaviours that challenge, including those with a mental health condition.”
(Transforming Care PHE, 2017)
Key Aims:
- Improve community care for people with mental health needs and autism
- Prevent avoidable admissions and support appropriate mental health hospitals
- Ensure care is being reviewed throughout
- Support safe discharges into the community.