Life Rooms


Now more than ever it is important that you, our colleagues make a conscious effort to keep yourselves well. We want to ensure a holistic approach to all your wellbeing needs and are always looking at ways to grow our support offer to enhance staff experience and keep you well both in and out of work.

With this in mind, we are working with our colleagues from the Life Rooms team to ensure that our community offer is accessible and supportive of our staff needs too. Afterall, our staff live in our communities and have the same wellbeing needs as those that live across the geographical footprint.

Click the link below to find out more about the Life Rooms offer. Life Rooms offer everything from emotional and mental wellbeing support, activities to support physical wellbeing, social-prescribing, cookery classes, creative workshops and much more. 

Life Rooms Pathways Advice Service

There's also a short video you can watch which will tell you more about joining the Life Rooms Online!  

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