Mandatory Training
As an employee of Mersey Care, you are required to complete your mandatory and role specific training, either as part of your induction or as an existing employee. This will ensure you are kept up to date with the knowledge and skills required to do your job effectively. Mersey Care is aligned to the Skills for Health and NHS England Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF)
The full list of core mandatory, role specific mandatory, divisional and CPD training subjects are listed here: HR28: Induction and Mandatory Training
Courses are also advertised in our online Learning and Development Prospectus
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
​Mersey Care receives funding from NHS England for Qualified Registered Nurses, Allied Health Professionals and Qualified Registered Nurse Associates to apply for external Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
If you are unable to access this funding, i.e. in a profession such as Dental, Additional Professional Scientific and Technical, Administrative and Clerical and Estates and Ancillary, please discuss with your line manager, or consider an apprenticeship.
You can find out more information in the Learning and Development Prospectus in section 10.
If you need any further information or have any questions, please contact the team at cpd