Publish date: 17 March 2025

Well done facilities management-01.pngA huge congratulations to our facilities management teams for achieving higher than the national average scores for the 2024 Patient Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE)  across a range of non-clinical services contributing to the healthcare environment.

The Trust was assessed and achieved the following scores for standards of:

  • Cleanliness: Scores ranged between 98.72% and 100% across all inpatient sites
  • Food: Scores ranged between 92.15% and 98.47%. Some areas scored 100%, but improvements are needed in menu choices and MUST scores.
  • Privacy, Dignity and Wellbeing: Scores ranged between 89.47% and 97.65%, showing a 2% increase from 2023
  • Dementia: Scores ranged between 88.89% and 97.87% for applicable wards
  • Disability: Scores ranged between 83.21% and 94.89%

Well done to all, their hard work and commitment helps to demonstrate our commitment to every patient is being cared for with compassion and dignity in a clean, safe environment.