Warp It – Mersey Care’s approved reuse network

Warp It Social Tile-1.pngWarp It is an online portal (similar to eBay or Vinted) where members of staff can upload details of unwanted items – in good condition – for other members of staff to make use of, and claim any items listed there for business use.

So if you have surplus equipment or furniture taking up space, are moving offices, or have a new starter who needs a desk, chair and other office equipment – Warp It can help.

By using Warp It, you can re-home unwanted furniture, equipment and more, responsibly and at zero cost. You just need to organise transportation.

So, before you bin it or buy it, your first thought should be to Warp It!

Trust IT equipment should not be advertised on Warp IT.  Any surplus IT equipment should be returned to stock. This can be done by logging a job with your IT Service Desk.

Warp It Infographic.png

Step 1 - categorise the item

Step 2 - fill out the item information (including number of items, dimensions, condition, location and when the item is available from/to)

Step 3 - add images

Step 4 - add any additional information

Step 5 - make item live.

Find out more in the video below:


Step 1 - log into your account on the Warp It website

Step 2 - click the orange search icon on the top right of your screen

Step 3 - click on your chosen item(s)

Step 4 - choose quantity, tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions and click on claim now (if the item is not available yet, you have the option to select remind me)

Find out more in the video below:


Q: How do I organise delivery

A: This will need to be organised by yourself via Transport. Please log a request with the estates and facilities desk.

Q: Are there any costs involved?

A: Just the cost of the transport, the items are free.

Q: How long will it take to receive my items?

A: This depends on how quickly transport is arranged to send the items.

Q: How can I search for items?

A:  If you go to our homepage https://www.warp-it.co.uk/ and click into the search bar on the top right everyone can search without logging into an account.  Link to page - Here is a guide on our search filters.

Q: Do I need an account to purchase items?

A: Yes, you need to create an account to be able to claim any active items for your site.

Q: What items can I upload?

A: You can upload any item that is no longer needed that could be used by another team. This could be furniture, stationary, medical supplies or IT equiptment.

Q: What condition do my items have to be in?

A: The items need to be in a good condition so that someone else can use them. If there are any flaws with the items please flag these and make the condition clear on the advert.

If you have any questions, email Jessica.weldon@merseycare.nhs.uk