Please see our videos below from AHP Day 2023.

Implementing a new Occupational Therapy model within Secure Care Services 

Winter project In reach/Outreach Therapy 

Communication group for people with Parkinsons Disease

Transformation. An MSK skill mix project

Reducing waits significantly to within KPI for Pulmonary rehab

Dietetic apprenticeships

Sefton Long Covid patient engagement and recovery programme



What is AHP Day

On Friday 14 October 2022, the 14 allied health professions (AHPs) celebrated the 5th annual AHPs’ Day.

AHPs are the third largest healthcare workforce, with significant opportunities to support delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan. AHPs’ Day is an annual opportunity for AHPs to come together and celebrate being part of the AHP family, and the day gives an opportunity to showcase to others the impact they make to the delivery of high quality care. The collaborations in services, organisations, trusts, regions and nationally enable:

  • Improved awareness of the role of the fourteen allied health professions
  • Showcasing the achievements of local services and their impact on patient care and population health
  • Integrated working with other services and organisations.

Please see Agenda for AHP Day on 14th October 2022

Please see Final Slide Deck from the day here

Over the coming week there will be a series of CPD sessions delivered. For a Programme of the sessions please see here.

After each CPD session, the presentations will be shared here on this page.

CPD Session 1 - Prison In Reach - Emily Bate - Highly Specialist OT - Secure Care Division

CPD Session 2 - Dizziness & Falls - Lisa Burrows - Consultant Vestibular Neuro Physiotherapist

CPD Session 2 Live Recording

CPD Session 3 - First Contact Practitioners (FCP) in Primary Care - Ruth Sephton - Consultant MSK Physiotherapist

 CPD Session 3 Live Recording

CPD Session 4 - Co-production & the AHP Student Toolkit - Jean Clare - AHP Workforce Lead & Iris Benson MBE - HSJ Patient Leader and AHP Advanced Quality Improvement Lead, Lived Experience

CPD Session 4 Live Recording

CPD Session 5 - Clinical Skills Team - Alex Shepherd & Sarah Gibson - Senior Clinical Skills Facilitators, SALT & Nursing

CPD Session 5 Live Recording

CPD Session 6 - Occupational Therapy & the ACP Role - Kay Roscoe - OT Advanced Clinical Practitioner

CPD Session 6 Live Recording

CPD Session 7 - The Development of the Role of the Catering Dietitian - Emma Hyland - Lead Catering Dietitian

CPD Session 7 Live Recording

CPD Session 8 - Secure Care Inpatient Moving On Groups - Tiffany Hunter & Heavenly Cunliffe - SALT & OT

CPD Session 8 Live Recording






 AHP Day 2021

AHPS day logo.png  

On Thursday, 14 October 2021, the 14 allied health professions (AHPs) celebrated the 4th annual AHPs’ Day.

What is AHPs day?

AHPs’ Day is an annual opportunity for AHPs to come together and celebrate being part of the AHP family, and the day gives an opportunity to showcase to others the impact they make to the delivery of high-quality care.

On the day the AHP leads hosted a virtual event where there was a range of speakers. The guest line-up included author Michael Rosen speaking about his recent AHP experiences. 

The collaborations in services, organisations, trusts, regions and nationally enable:

  • Improved awareness of the role of the fourteen allied health professions
  • Showcasing the achievements of local services and their impact on patient care and population health
  • Integrated working with other services and organisations.

Key messages this year for AHPs’ day included:

Celebrating who AHPs are; Appreciating AHP skills and impact on care; Inspiring our future workforce; Connecting so that AHPs are included in workforce transformation and pathway redesign in systems.

Below is a link to the slides and presentation from the day:

Wrapping around AHP day was a series of CPD sessions held throughout the week. Below are the presentations from the CPD sessions that were held: