Publish date: 30 October 2023
Higher Education Institute (HEI) allocation arrangements have now changed for Dietetics, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Therapy students in line with the NW Reform regional collaborative approach.
As a Trust we are required to identify whole time equivalent data (WTE) to Health Education England, in order for an equitable allocation of AHP students across the NW region. The data that we submit for WTE does not include clinicians who are within their preceptorship period.
In addition, some professions have requirements for specified clinical educator days as part of their roles, e.g. Speech and Language Therapy have 25 days per whole time equivalent which requires consideration to ensure compliance.
As a Trust we are then also required to complete and return an availability mapping tool giving an indication of the maximum number of students at any one time that each individual placement area is able to accommodate. Whatever number has been entered as that which the placement area is able to accommodate this is the amount of students the HEIs will then allocate to. In reality what this now means is that any area could have concurrent students allocated which differs greatly from the previous “offers” system. To aid suitable allocation of students identified Trust profession specific contacts for each area profession are also able to make notes on the availability mapping tool outlining any special requirements (such as peer placements etc).
Once this data is submitted HEIs within the NW Region then identify which placement areas they require students to be allocated to on a fair share/suitable model and we are made aware of their intended utilisation. After a period of time the identified profession specific contacts for the placement are then provided with individual student names/details so that planning/preparation can be commenced.
We appreciate that this feels like some clinicians are having more students than they have previously had, and we are working closely with teams to ensure that there is equitability of offer across the trust. We have put in place an escalation process to enable you to raise concerns about capacity to support with student placements and we encourage you to continue to have discussions about what is realistic in your team with your manager and Head of AHPs.
For further information please contact the Trust Practice Education Facilitators via email AHPPEF