On the 18th day of Christmas, Mersey Care gave to you…free Flu and COVID-19 jabs!
Every member of staff has the opportunity to get vaccinated and help prevent the spread of Flu and COVID-19 within the Trust.
Our vaccination team are offering clinics to facilitate this and our COVID-19 vaccination offer has be extended to the end of January.
Flu hit hospitals in the North West hard last week, as a ‘tidal wave’ of infections led to a 28% increase in hospital cases across just seven days. With less people getting vaccinated, and more social events due to the festive season, there is a real risk that infection rates will continue to climb.
And while these infections can be a nasty inconvenience to most of us, they can be life threatening to others.
The vaccines take approximately two weeks to provide the required immune response – so don’t wait, get vaccinated while you can.
Visit YourSpace to view the last available clinics of 2024.
If you have any questions regarding the vaccination programme, please contact the vaccine centre on 0151 473 2812 or email: vaccinations
- Getting vaccinated is one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself and others around you safe and well.
- Vaccines are our best protection against life-threatening diseases and immunisation is key to primary health care.
- Vaccines keep people out of hospital and save millions of lives every year. .
- Vaccination is one of the most effective public health interventions of the modern era, second only to clean drinking water.