Publish date: 13 May 2024

The Trust currently has two separate instances of the Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) and Pharmacy Stock Control (PSC) system. As part of the wider Trust systems harmonisation project, the medicines management digital team is working hard to merge the systems into a new and upgraded single instance of EPMA and PSC. 

The system will look very familiar to what users are currently used to, but users will require new log in information – this will follow.

Some benefits of the new harmonised system include: 

  • Reduced transcription of patients’ medication on ward transfers 
  • Improved PRN medication history view 
  • The addition of indications to prescriptions  
  • Side by side views for discharge prescribing and pharmacist verification of medication
  • Improved prescribing and medicines management functionality
  • Improved business continuity process for system downtime.

To ensure you are aware of what’s happening and when, please look out for email updates in the coming weeks.

Drop in Q&A sessions and training guidance will be available to users when the new system is implemented.

If you have any questions or concerns about this upgrade, please contact and one of the project team members will get back to you.