Publish date: 9 August 2024

In recent years, we have been able to access training delivered by Sefton Corporate Learning Centre (SCLC) related to your professional development.

From 16 September 2024, the process to register and then book onto training is changing. Once the system goes live you will be able to search for courses and book onto training – just as you can now.  The system will also record that you have attended the training. The current version of the Me Learning system is available until Friday 6 September.  

The current Me Learning will not be available from Monday, 9 September to Sunday, 15 September to enable these changes to take place.

The process of applying for training

The new system will send you an invitation during the next few weeks.  When you receive your invite you will be asked to create a new password and accept the invitation (please check your junk mailbox). It is important you accept the invite as soon as possible, to avoid any delays accessing the new version of Me Learning. 

Please note, if you are booked onto training this will not be affected. 

If you have any questions, email or call 0151 934 2872.