Publish date: 1 August 2024

Thank you.pngIt has been a very difficult few days for all of us since the distressing news from Southport came through on Monday. It has presented considerable challenges to Mersey Care as an organisation, but once again we have all overcome those challenges to keep our patients, service users and carers safe while continuing to deliver high quality services to the communities in Sefton and beyond.

We are both extremely proud of how our workforce have stepped up to help and offer support. We would like to personally thank every one of you for the way you have gone above and beyond to make sure everyone remains safe. Our thoughts and sincere condolences are with everyone affected by this heartbreaking tragedy.

Some staff will have had direct involvement with the horrifying events and may also know people who were impacted. Others, might know the dance school off Hart Street, and may have taken your children there in the past. We are also aware that members of our staff reside in the vicinity of Tuesday's unsettling events, which were undoubtedly unnerving and likely caused sleepless nights.

Both of us have worked for many years within the NHS and cannot think of a week that has affected our staff and communities so profoundly, so please make sure you look after each other and regularly check in with those around you.

If you are struggling, please reach out as these are not normal times for any of us and we want you to know there is lots of support available.  You can speak to your line manager, or visit our staff wellbeing hub or if you are in need of urgent mental health support to call our Crisis Helpline on 0800 145 6570 (Liverpool and Sefton) or 0800 051 1508 (Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington). Further support information is also being prepared and will be shared with you once it is ready.

Our ongoing series of tactical and strategic meetings across various divisions are designed to ensure your safety and capability to provide care to our service users and patients. They facilitate decision-making to sustain our service delivery and support your resilience during these exceptionally challenging and distressing times.

This document has been specifically designed to help you cope following a distressing event - Information_for_staff_and_managers_after_a_distressing_event_-_2024.pdf (

Please remember if you are approached by the media, direct all enquiries to our Communications team at:

May we thank you all once again for your kindness, compassion and commitment during this challenging time, and please continue to take care of each other. 

Best wishes

Joe and Trish