Publish date: 31 January 2025

Following the launch of the new prevention and management of pressure ulcers trust policy, there is an updated section on safeguarding considerations and to offer a clear process for staff a new procedure has been introduced which will involve the completion of a new safeguarding template on EMIS known as the Adult Safeguarding Decision Guide.

This learning session is for community staff who currently manage patients with pressure ulcers including categorisation of pressure ulcers , this session will discuss the new process including how to complete the template on EMIS as well as provide an overview of new processes for hospital acquired , care home acquired, and community acquired pressure ulcers . This session will also discuss when to use the existing safeguarding record of concern template.

These sessions are 30 minutes each and cover the same content. No booking required, please join using the links below.

If you have any questions please contact Hannah Molyneux, Safeguarding Adults Nurse by emailing

Monday, 10 February from 2pm to 2.30pm

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Meeting ID: 338 016 465 457

Passcode: Lz734XH2

Thursday, 27 February from 2pm to 2.30pm

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Meeting ID: 363 354 582 727

Passcode: qi756f5K