Publish date: 16 August 2024

For teams that use Rio as their electronic notes system, a more accurate, updated report with improved usability is now available that lists the allergy status of all inpatients. At a glance, you will now be able to review an entire division or site relevant to your area of work. 

In RIO > Menu >  Search “allergies” and select IP - 201 - Inpatient Client Allergies.

In all cases, the allergy status recorded on RIO (or any electronic notes system) must match the allergy status recorded on EPMA.

Please pay particular attention to those with “Allergy Status Unknown.” There is currently 89 records out of 523 with an unknown allergy status, nearly 20%.Please take opportunities use the report and raise awareness of any omissions or discrepancies within the MDT.

This is a small piece of a much larger plan the digital team have to provide dashboards and reports from a single data platform. In the mean time it will enable improved oversight to your wards.

For inpatient teams, this report supersedes the existing allergy report available in RIO GEN – 159 – Client Allergies. This report remains available for any other clinical team that may find it useful.



To discuss further or for help with any queries contact: Kerry Roberts