Publish date: 18 December 2024

We would like to encourage all our clinical and clinical support colleagues across the Trust to complete a short survey to help us better understand how effective our Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems are in supporting you to do your job.

NHS England has launched an EPR usability survey for 2024/25, which aims to measure and benchmark user satisfaction with the clinical systems in use across the NHS and capture opportunities for improvement.

While the survey is taking place across the NHS nationally, the feedback you provide will be made available to Mersey Care and will be used to help inform our own digital plans so that we can ensure our clinical systems best support you, our clinical services and those we support.

As clinical digital leaders we fully appreciate the impact our EPR systems have on your working day and our ability to deliver, safe, timely and effective care.

By taking part in this survey, you will be helping us to identify the things that don’t work as you would like, as well as helping to capture your ideas for improvement so that together, we can digitally make a difference.

Complete the EPR usability survey for 2024/25

The survey will remain open until Friday, 20 December 2024 and responses will remain confidential.

We thank you in advance for your support.