Publish date: 14 June 2024

Cheshire Constabulary continues to engage with partners and they’re keen to hear feedback, with an open invitation to join their working groups. These groups are an opportunity for clinical staff to discuss what’s working well and what’s not working so well, further discuss incidents you’ve been involved with, or understand rationale for police attendance/non attendance. They’ve also proved good for understanding each other’s capabilities.

To receive an invitation please contact: indicating which session you want to be involved with. Groups include:

  • Mental health (monthly)
  • Urgent care (monthly)
  • Children’s safeguarding*
  • Adult safeguarding*
  • Voluntary and third sector*.

*Checkpoint groups held every three months.

Unfortunately, there are still many examples of partners calling who haven’t heard of Right Care Right Person. This applies to incidents relating to Phase 1 and Phase 2. Please ensure you’re aware of and understand RCRP.