Publish date: 22 August 2024

Pharmacy opening hours for this bank holiday weekend can be found below.


Medicines Management Building, Maghull Health Park

Hollins Park Pharmacy, Hollins Park Hospital

Pharmacy Emergency Advice Service

Friday, 23 August

Normal opening hours

Normal opening hours


Saturday, 24 August

Department open 9.30am to 1.30pm for emergency medication only

Closed – urgent work to be processed via Maghull Health Park Pharmacy

Available when the dispensaries are closed. Contactable via switchboard

Sunday, 25 August

Department open 9.30am to 1.30pm for emergency medication only

Closed – urgent work to be processed via Maghull Health Park Pharmacy

Monday, 26 August

Department open 9.30am to 1.30pm for emergency medication only

Closed – urgent work to be processed via Maghull Health Park Pharmacy

Tuesday, 27 August

Back to normal opening hours

Back to normal opening hours


Please send any prescriptions and stock requests (to the appropriate department) before 12pm on Thursday, 22 August 2024 to guarantee delivery before the bank holiday.

  • It is the responsibility of ward staff to ensure there are sufficient stock items to last over the Bank Holiday period.  These are not considered emergency items to be supplied by the emergency advice service pharmacist.  This includes controlled drugs and schedule 4 part 1 drugs, previously referred to as recorded drugs.
  • Emergency cupboards are located on the main hospital sites to compliment the Pharmacy Emergency Advice Service. Please check prior to contacting the Pharmacy Emergency Advice Service. Please find link below to the EPMA Drug Finder EPMA Drug Finder (MCT) and EPMA Drug Finder (NWB).