Publish date: 14 August 2024

Please see the messages below from Liverpool Clinical Laboratories around adding patient's unit or hospital number in Rio and how to make sure patient samples can be processed by the labs.

Adding patient's unit / hospital number in Rio

Liverpool Clinical Laboratories are receiving high numbers of requests that don't prefix the patient's unit/hospital number with Rio. This means results are not always reported back on Rio and the requestor has to phone for the results.  Please prefix the patients unit / hospital number with Rio please.

If any locations feel they are not getting results on Rio they should email and our IT team will check. (Please cc into any emails to ensure they are added to our records).

Please note this is only relevant to teams / services that samples / tests are sent to Liverpool Clinical Laboratories – Aintree, Royal Liverpool or Broadgreen laboratories (mainly Liverpool and South Sefton) and require test results reporting back to RIO.

Urine samples – ensuring patient samples can be processed by the labs

The labs are unable to process a high number of urine samples because:

  • The caps have not been reattached , causing leakage/ contamination (these samples have to be discarded)
  • There has not been adequate urine provided.

Check out the video below from members of the team who handle urine samples to describe how to process urine samples for transportation to the lab. The aim is to reduce the risk of samples not being processed and the potential implications for patients around diagnosis/ treatment decisions and to reduce the need for further testing.

Check out these urine helpsheets - sheet 1 and sheet 2.