Publish date: 1 July 2024

This Alcohol Awareness Week 2024, join us to raise awareness of the harm caused by alcohol and to learn more about the role that alcohol plays in our society.

Our Drugs and Alcohol team

Our Drugs and Alcohol team are holding a cake and coffee morning for staff to call in and get to know a bit more about what the service offers to mark Alcohol Awareness Week (1 to 7 July).

Staff are asked to make a small donation at the event, which takes place at William House, on the Rathbone Hospital site, on Thursday, 4 July between 10.30am and 2pm.

All donations will be put towards funds being raised by one of their team, John Sloan, who will be taking part in a triathlon in September to raise money for Tom Harrison House, which provides rehabilitation for ex-armed forces men and women experiencing problems with alcohol.

Anyone who wishes to contribute to John’s efforts can do so through his Just Giving page.

Alcohol Awareness group session

Alcohol Awareness Week focuses on 'Understanding alcohol harm'. Join our Occupational Health’s Alcohol Awareness group session, which is designed to give you the facts about alcohol. The Teams session is running over lunchtime on 2 July.

Lower My Drinking Platform

Find ways to lower your drinking by downloading the free Lower My Drinking app from App Store or Google Play. 

Millie G.jpegThe times are a changing and the number of young people choosing not to drink alcohol is on the rise. According to recent figures from the charity Drinkaware, one in five under 25 year olds in the UK now report that they are teetotal, the highest figure on record.

Continue reading in our MC Magazine.

Home and dry.JPGEleanor Donnelly lived on the streets of Liverpool on and off for six years. Her struggle with alcohol addiction led to two of her three children being placed in foster care.

I had anxiety and depression and was using alcohol to cope,” says Eleanor.

Continue reading in our MC Magazine.