Publish date: 27 January 2025

Information alert

The upgraded Pharmacy Stock Control system and single instance of EPMA successfuly launched on the 18 and 19 March. Background to the upgrade can be found in the news item below.

The Trust currently has two separate instances of the Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) and a separate single instance of the Pharmacy Stock Control (PSC) system. As part of the wider Trust systems harmonisation project, the medicines management digital team is working hard to merge the systems into a new and upgraded single instance of EPMA and PSC.

1. Look out for your new login information

This will be sent from

2. Attend information sessions

Information sessions will be available for staff to find out about the upgraded functionality and system enhancements. This is your opportunity to ask the digital pharmacy team questions.

Dates will be announced when the new go live date is agreed.​​​​

3. Prepare for the EPMA go-live transcribing by reviewing drug charts and discontinuing any unused or unnecessary prescriptions, suppressing any old patient notes or drug notes, identifying indications for any CDs, Chapter 4 BNF drugs or antimicrobials. 

Find out more:

4. Watch information videos on new functionality that will be available soon on the LMS. There is no requirement for you to attend formal training for the new system, but you can book onto training if you feel in person training is more suitable for yourself. Updated quick reference guides will also be available.

5. Complete the eLearning courses

To prepare users for the EPMA V8.2 Upgrade on the 19 March 2025, three eLearning courses have been made available on our Learning Management System (LMS).

  • The ‘EPMA - V8.2 Upgrade’ course demonstrates the changes in the EPMA V8.2 upgrade. This eLearning course has been designed to show learners the new features that are applicable to their role, with three separate learning pathways for Nurse Administrators, Prescribers and Pharmacists.
  • The ‘EPMA - Fallback (Business Continuity)’ course demonstrates how to Complete a Daily Check of the Business Continuity Laptop and Follow the EPMA Business Continuity Process to Print MAC and MAP Reports.
  • The ‘EPMA - PRN Medication’ course demonstrates how to Understand PRN Medication as well as demonstrate how to Administer and Chart PRN Medication within EPMA.

To access these courses, please visit the LMS Information page and follow the instructions for Mersey Care & IM Staff. Once logged in, select the link which can be located within the red banner on the LMS homepage.

For help and support, please contact

  • Reduced transcription of patients medication on ward transfers
  • Drugs will be listed as generic items
  • There is an ability to add indications to drugs for some drugs this will be mandatory.
  • There is a new body map functionality for sites of administration
  • There is a new right click functionality to make accessing other areas of the system quicker.
  • There is a new PRN history view to allow easier access to when required, medication administrations.
  • Side by side views for discharge prescribing and pharmacist verification of medication
  • Improved prescribing and medicines management functionality
  • Improved business continuity process for system downtime
  • Dose ranges.

The medicines management digital team will be commencing a EPMA and PSC information roadshow throughout February to provide more information to staff.

As part of the project preparation please can you ensure they log into the system by 16 February to ensure that your accounts can be created accurately in time for the launch of the new system. Failure to log in may result in a delay in new accounts being created and them not receiving login details to the new system.

Online sessions will be held every Monday and Thursday at 3pm from 13 February to 6 March. Click this link to join the meeting. 

Meeting ID: 330 709 436 488

Passcode: 8ha3uh6C

Date of visit 

Site to visit 

Tuesday, 11 March Hollins Park
Thursday, 13 March

Knowsley Resource and Recovery Centre (AM)

Peasley Cross (PM) 

Friday, 14 March 

 Rowan View and Aspen Wood

Ward will be contacted for an appropriate time 

Leigh Moss 

Ward will be contacted for an appropriate time 

Windsor House 

Ward will be contacted for an appropriate time 

Heys Court 

Ward will be contacted for an appropriate time 

Wavertree Bungalow 

Ward will be contacted for an appropriate time 

Hope Centre 

If you have any questions or concerns about this upgrade, please contact and one of the project team members will get back to you.