Publish date: 22 April 2024

The new occupational health system starts on Thursday 25 April. It's a cloud based service which can be accessed on any internet device. OPAS G2 will manage the process of booking and being allocated support in our existing occupational health and wellbeing service.

There are still training slots available on Tuesday 23 April. Click on the buttons below to access the sessions.

There is also an E-Learning Package for all colleagues involved in making a management referral to our Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service.

For urgent issues please contact:

Managers will be receiving a welcome email from Occupational Health this week which will include a link to reset their OPAS logon to the system. A new OPAS-G2 shortcut will appear on your desktop either on or shortly after Thursday 25 April.

The team would like to thank everyone who has been involved in training, testing and preparation for the new system.