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  • The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has updated their Areas of Research Interest (ARIs). They focus on areas of strategic policy importance to DHSC.

  • Our Clinical Senate took place on 18 April at Formby Hall, staff came together to listen, learn and share best clinical practice.

  • A decade after the publication of a landmark review of the health and social care clinical support workforce, a new study of this critical part of the NHS workforce by King’s College London has been launched.

  • A point prevalence survey (PPS) on Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI), Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Stewardship was recently completed as a collaborative piece of work between Medicines Management and the Trust Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) team.

  • What is speaking up? Speaking up is about anything that gets in the way of providing good care. When things go wrong, we need to make sure that lessons are learnt and things are improved. If we…

  • Site safety hoardings are going up around the Mossley Hill site ahead of forthcoming demolition of the buildings scheduled to start later this summer.

  • The PACIS clinical information is the primary health record for secure mental health inpatient services. The PACIS system is used in Ashworth High Secure Hospital and Rowan View Medium…

  • From the 1 September the Rio essential course names will be changing and will be broken down into a variety of courses.

  • NHS England has issued an instruction to cease all blood tests, including those who may have booked in for tests, unless the test is clinically urgent.

  • We are now pleased to report that the supply situation is improving and is no longer as constrained as it has been in recent weeks.