Event date: 26 September 2023, 10.30am to 11.30am

Event location: Microsoft Teams

Event categories:

  • Trust wide

The Records Team is holding scan and destroy awareness sessions for RIO users across the Trust. These sessions provide guidance on how to correctly scan, upload documentation to the EPR (Electronic Paper Record), use correct setting on scanners, and use the correct naming conventions to ensure that the Trust complies with the BS10008 standard.

The awareness session will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and will last approximately one hour on a Tuesday or Wednesday from 10.30am to 11.30am. The sessions will be limited to 10 staff per session.

Sessions can also be delivered on other dates and times if the above days are not suitable. The team can also deliver onsite sessions within your team if there are adequate numbers.

To book onto a sessions, email records@merseycare.nhs.uk with your preferred date.

Sessions available in August:

Tuesday 22 August

Tuesday 29 August

Sessions available in September:

Wednesday 6  September

Tuesday 12 September

Wednesday 20 September

Tuesday 26 September