Flexible working options

There are different types of formal and informal flexible working arrangements. For more details, please refer to NHS Flexible Working Framework for more examples.

Click on the image below to open a full sized version.

Illustration taken from: NHSE Flexible working visual - March 24.pdf (nhsemployers.org)

Keeping up to date with the new UK legislations from April 2024

  • From 6 April 2024, colleagues will be able to request flexibility from day one in a new job. (In addition, in NHS Terms and Conditions of Service handbook, regardless of the reason for the request)
  • Employers will have to respond to requests within two months (down from three months)
  • Employees can make two statutory requests for flexible working in any 12-month period (this was one previously). However in the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service handbook, it states that: Colleagues will be able to make flexible working requests without a limit on the number of requests in any 12-month period) , therefore our policy will replicate this.
  • Colleagues will no longer have to explain to their employer how flexible working requests might work - this is now upon the employer to figure this out
  • If a flexible working is rejected, the employer must explain the reasons behind their decision (previously could deny without explanation)

Source: https://www.cipd.org/uk/views-and-insights/thought-leadership/cipd-voice/new-employment-legislation/

Our Flexible Working Policy (HR03) now reflects the legislation changes set above.