We are please to announce the next date for our menopause champion training. 

If you would like to be a menopause champion, please register your interest below. 
As a menopause champion, you will be required to complete one 90 minute training sessionfollowed by regular menopause champion network meetings.

The training will enable you to have supportive conversations about menopause, and signposting accordingly. 
You will not be expected to deliver training, diagnose or advise on treatment

The training will take approximately 90 minutes, and will be delivered via Teams

Date Time Booking
Thursday 13 March 10am Register your interest here


If you have any further questions, or would like bespoke training for your team, please email: wellbeinghub@merseycare.nhs.uk 

Menopause Champions at work aim to help colleagues affected by the menopause. They are a point of contact for colleagues needing a listening ear or someone to initially talk to if they are not comfortable talking to their managers. Menopause Champions will also signpost colleagues to the wider Menopause support available in the Trust. The role of the Menopause Champion is to raise awareness amongst all staff that menopause in the workplace will be supported sensitively with dignity and respect.

Key responsibilities 

  • Understand why we need to be talking about menopause, especially in the workplace
  • Know what menopause is, why it happens and when it may happen
  • Recognise and understand possible menopause symptoms
  • Know where to access/signpost to factual information
  • Understand how to help someone get the support they need
  • Know how to access a toolkit of additional resources to support managing menopause
  • Have practical skills in how to spot signs of someone struggling with menopause symptoms and have the confidence to have supportive conversations when needed
  • Can help start a conversation around menopause within our workplace and understands how the Mersey Care NHS Trust can further support menopause.

Our champions have support from the team of Health and Wellbeing Facilitators, who can support and from time to time, bring all champions together for a catch up and chat through how things are going.

You can see a comprehensive list and contact details for all our champions, in the table below.

Name Contact Role Division
Amanda Buttery


Acting ANP for ICRAS/Frailty
ICRAS-Southport and Formby Locality
Community Care

Alison Walker

alison.walker3@merseycare.nhs.uk Matron Long Covid Sefton Community Care

Carole Vick

Carole.Vick@merseycare.nhs.uk Clinical Lead Older Adults Community Hub Community Care

Catherine Collins

Catherine.Collins2@merseycare.nhs.uk CBT Therapist - Think Knowsley Community Care
Jane Walls Jane.Walls@merseycare.nhs.uk School Health Support Worker Community Care

Jo Hodgson

Joanne.Hodgson2@merseycare.nhs.uk Occupational Therapist Community Care

Jo Johnson

Joanne.Johnson2@merseycare.nhs.uk Secretary Leadership Team Community Care

Nadia Reynolds

Nadia.reynolds@merseycare.nhs.uk Heart Failure Nurse Specialist Community Care

Paula Fletcher

Paula.Fletcher@merseycare.nhs.uk Vaccinations and Immunisations Co-Ordinator Community Care

Paula Pottenger


ICRAS therapy Assistant Practitioner Community Care

Uzma Rashid

Uzma.Rashid@merseycare.nhs.uk Health Visitor Community Care

Vicky Harris

Victoria.Harris2@merseycare.nhs.uk Team Lead (South Hub) NHS Talking Therapies Liverpool Community Care

Daniel Melling

Daniel.Melling@merseycare.nhs.uk Health and Wellbeing Co-Ordinator Trust Wide Support Services

Katie Derrick

Katie.Derrick@merseycare.nhs.uk Health and Wellbeing Facilitator Trust Wide Support Services

Neomi Lomax

Neomi.Lomax@merseycare.nhs.uk Health and Wellbeing Facilitator Trust Wide Support Services

Sue Burton

Sue.Burton@merseycare.nhs.uk Infection Control Practitioner Trust Wide Support Services
Jane Hobin Jane.Hobin@merseycare.nhs.uk Step Forward Sefton Psychological Interventions Practitioner Mental Health Care
Gemma Hollington Gemma.Hollington@merseycare.nhs.uk Clinical Psychologist Mental Health Care

Helen Lockley

Helen.Lockley@merseycare.nhs.uk Criminal Justice Team Manager Mental Health Care

Deborah Robinson

Deborah.Robinson@merseycare.nhs.uk Comm Forensic LD Service Secure Care

Pam Mount


Psychological Therapist and Department Lead Psychology

Secure Care