Event date: 9 November 2023, 12.00pm to 4.00pm

Event location: Chaplaincy Room

Event categories:

  • Trust wide

Occupational Therapy Week 2023 runs from Monday 6 to Sunday 12 November. This time it’s all about ‘occupation matters’, a national theme which will support our OTs to explain more about occupation is and its impact.
There will be events across the Trust and colleagues at Hollins Park have announced these sessions for OTs to get involved with:

An opportunity to celebrate all things OT - teams on site from the Secure and Mental Health Divisions will be encouraged to invite service users and staff to find out more about occupational therapy. 

There will be pet therapy from 1 to 2pm provided by Animal Safari, who will talk about animal welfare and upkeep.  Attendees will get opportunity to hold a variety of different animals and have their photos taken with them (for their use only).  Teams will produce something to show how occupation is used in their settings. There will also be rock painting, biscuit/cake decorating and more for service users and staff to have a go at. 

Activity analysis of each will be displayed to explain how ‘occupations’ can be used to provide both assessment and intervention opportunities.  The event aims to increase staff and service user awareness of the diversity of occupational therapy.  There will be a quiz for service users with some small prizes.  
