Publish date: 24 March 2022

Dear Colleague,

We are writing to you, yet again, to thank you for your continued hard work. It’s been an unprecedented time for the NHS, with the global pandemic impacting in ways we couldn’t have imagined, and the need for managing the recovery now very urgent.

Every team across the whole of the organisation has continued to show commitment, dedication, professionalism, and worked tirelessly to help make sure our patients, service users and carers receive the help, support, treatment and care they need. On behalf of the Board we want to say how proud we are to watch you all make such a difference to so many lives, families and communities.

Outside of work, for many, it looks like a return to a ‘normal’ way of life where possible, but please remember that COVID-19 has not gone away. Indeed, the numbers of community infections are on the rise again. So, we want to reiterate the need to continue to adhere to infection prevention and control measures and the wearing of masks while in work. We know that these measures protect our patients, nearly all of whom are physically vulnerable, and they also protect you too.

To recognise how tough the last year has been we are delighted to send you a £50 voucher as a token of our appreciation, which we hope will go some way towards expressing our gratitude for everything you’ve done.

Your health and wellbeing continue to be our priority and we hope you’ll use the voucher to treat yourself. The voucher can be used in store and online for everything from food and fashion to music and entertainment, sports, DIY, fitness, magazine subscriptions and much more. There’s a full list available online. If you wish, it can also be used to support a charity of your choice.

This is being offered to all staff who have worked in Mersey Care from 1 September 2021 and up to 28 February 2022. Additional criteria about staff who will receive a voucher is available here. In line with Data Protection legislation, we need to make you aware that in order to receive your gift we will need to share your home address details with a third party provider who will coordinate delivery. We are therefore contacting you requesting implied consent that you are happy for us to share your information. We can give assurance that addresses will not be shared more widely, and the provider will destroy the addresses once vouchers have been sent.

Please remember that you can access help (anonymously if you wish) through our staff health and wellbeing offer, and the Cheshire and Merseyside Resilience Hub can support you and your family, access it here via the self-referral bar.

We remain immensely proud of our staff and the difference we make in the communities we serve.

A heartfelt thanks to all.

Yours sincerely,

Beatrice Fraenkel                      Prof Joe Rafferty CBE, Chief Executive

Chairman                                  (he/his/him)