Publish date: 27 February 2023

On 1 March 2023, a refreshed QRV reporting system will go live. 

This consists of a combination of two systems –

  • A new QRV SharePoint site which QRV Leads will use to input QRV ratings and comments and where everyone Trust wide will be able to view completed QRV reports and input into QRV Action Plans; and
  • A new QRV Power BI site including a QRV Report dashboard and a QRV Themes dashboard where everyone Trust wide will be able to view and analyse data from completed QRV reports.

Data has been retrospectively input onto these systems for all QRV reports undertaken since 1 January 2022 to enable some historical overview and analysis.

Training videos are available to support colleagues accessing the systems (SharePoint training / Power BI training) however if you’ve any queries over the coming weeks and months as the new system is embedded then please contact

We’re keen to receive feedback from the new system’s users to identify areas where further development may be necessary to ensure the systems are helpful to everyone Trust wide, meaningful and accessible.  If you’ve any feedback, positive or negative, please contact

If you’ve any queries relating to QRVs (as well as Self Assessments, Accreditation, and CQC readiness), please visit our team’s intranet page for more information.