Publish date: 31 July 2024
Dear Colleagues,
I just wanted to update you on a few changes to the Executive Leadership Team and the interim arrangements that will take effect from Thursday, 1 August 2024. Trish Bennett will assume the role of Chief Executive Officer Designate. I will maintain overall responsibility to the Board of Directors until I retire at the end of October.
As part of these transitional leadership arrangements, a small number of Board level roles have been appointed to on an ‘acting up’ basis:
- Lee Taylor, Acting Chief Delivery Officer
- Jenny Hurst, Acting Chief Nurse.
The Trust will be looking to appoint three new executive director posts, the recruitment for which is expected to start in August 2024. These are Chief Nurse, Chief Delivery Officer and the Chief Strategy, Planning and Partnerships Officer.
Trish Bennett will become Chief Executive Officer on 1 November 2024.
The revised structure as of 1 August is available here.
Best wishes,
Joe Rafferty
Chief Executive Officer