Publish date: 30 August 2024

Are you currently a practice supervisor and supporting learners in clinical practice? Then NHS England’s Workforce Training and Education Directorate want to hear from you!

The NHS England’s Workforce Training and Education Directorate are currently developing a national framework and resources to help embed the Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA). To ensure these resources are robust and effective, they are inviting colleagues from across the practice learning network to participate in helping us to gather feedback and insights.

What they are doing:

Developing a national framework and resources to help to embed the Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA). This work includes the development of:

  • High level principles
  • Core content for the preparation of practice supervisors, practice assessors and academic assessors
  • A feedback acronym
  • A self-assessment tool.

What they are asking:

For practice supervisors to take part in a focus group meeting so that they can gather your feedback on a self-assessment tool that focuses on how well prepared you feel to undertake the role of practice supervisor and to support your on-going development.

The focus group will take place on Monday, 23 September from 1pm to 2pm.

If you would like to contribute and join the focus group, please email and so that a link to join on MS Teams can be sent to you.

For any further information please contact Practice Education Facilitators via