The lead for this workstream is Lisa Simpson.

  1. Complete the CREST demand and capacity modelling in all CYPMHS
  2. Complete safer staffing benchmarking
  3. Standardise caseload numbers and ensure clinical supervision / audit framework
  4. Complete a CYPMHS mid Mersey training needs analysis
  5. Scope skill mix
  6. Develop a CYPMHS Workforce: Recruitment and Retention strategy/ 5-year plan with greater career progression (non-core JDs) / HEI links to support recruitment
  7. Workforce charter and values and behaviours

This group has discussed the context and actions.

The current workforce position mapped for the four CYPMHS team to support mutual conversations and current pressures.

To priorities the development of a workforce strategy to support recruitment and retention the group has reviewed the workforce profile of 2021.

An organisational effectiveness plan will include a CYPMHS canvas and a mega conversation with the teams to support engagement and participation.


September update:

  • CYP Crisis Response Team recruitment progressing well with 4.0 WTE filled during Jul/Aug
  • Exploring additional demand and capacity modelling to inform service establishment/roles
  • Weekly workforce ops mtgs in place to track vacancies / increase oversight
  • Recruitment events scheduled throughout the year, next event 25 October 2023 with a focus on B5, B6 and B7 clinical roles
  • Continued exploration of apprenticeship and Nurse Associate options within CYPMHS.

May update:

  1. 32 WTE vacancies across CYPMHS which is 13 percent, reduced from March 40.2 WTE, which is 16 percent
  2. Crest modelling to be operationalised gives us the number of first and second appointments appts needed to meet demand for 98 percent of patients – what about the 2 percent
  3. Exploring whether a different demand and capacity modelling could inform service establishment/roles
  4. Recruitment events will be held quarterly
  5. YIPP recruitment successful (Mersey Care, Alder Hey and Cheshire nd Wirral) 8 trainees (two at Mersey Care) two year course based in CRT- both now in post.

March update:

  1. The recruitment and retention plan has been completed for 2022/23 and will be reviewed annually.
  2. 40.2 WTE CYPMHS vacancies which is 16 percent and recruitment challenges continue to cause a delay.
  3. Crest modelling to be operationalised under patient access performance improvement plan.
  4. Psychological therapies review of NICE, offer and scope of delivery to consider standardisation and best practice based on need.
  5. Clinical supervision Quality Improvement projects: all supervisors have been trained, or booked on training, for the basic supervision course, upskilling and standardising, additional training booked for those that require it – using underspend.
  6. Competency framework introduced in all CYPMHS teams.
  7. Recruitment events will be held quarterly.
  8. Youth intensive psychological practitioner recruitment successful (Mersey Care, Alder Hey and Cheshire and Wirral) eight trainees (two in Mersey Care), a two year course based in CRT - commences March 23.
  9. Safer staffing review CYPMHS, Crisis Resolution Team and youth justice service completed.
  10. Career progression mapping continues, aligned with job descriptions.

January update:

  1. There have been some improvements in the recent recruitment drive, creative ways of recruitment has supported the good response and a wider CYPMHS recruitment plan.


November update:

  1. Crest demand and capacity modelling - follow up meetings have started re next steps. This will be a consistent modelling used / reviewed six monthly
  2. Developing a workforce recruitment strategy for CYPMHS to support recruitment and retention
  3. Psychological therapies review of NICE / offer and scope of delivery to consider standardisation
  4. Clinical supervision QI Project ; compliance / training / policy / quality
  5. Paired outcome measures QI project
  6. Competency framework pilot Sep to Dec 2022
  7. Recruitment event (quarterly) planning – Jan 23
  8. CYPMHS ‘raising our profile’ planning for Nov 22
  9. CYPMHS attendance at all HEI recruitment events.

October update:

  1. CYPMHS workforce has been mapped for all services roles, bands, recruitment – levelling up discussions taken to CAMHS collaborative group and shared with finance to support planning
  2. OE plan drafted to support the change programme: includes staff engagement events
  3. External stakeholder event planned Oct 22 to support 0 to 25 transformation modelling
  4. Crest demand and capacity modelling completed with the 12 month forward view for all services – meetings started with team leaders to feedback data and teams are to consider the information and any capacity efficiencies for a follow up meeting in October about next steps. Consistent modelling will be used and reviewed six monthly.
  5. Developing a workforce recruitment strategy for CYPMHS to support recruitment and retention
  6. Psychological therapies: meeting with Trust leads to consider CYPMHS model (hub and spoke) and an offer across the service line to support sustainability
  7. Clinical supervision: compliance for KPI / training / policy / standard to be reviewed.

September update:

  1. Key partners/stakeholders have been  identified and attended (Warrington Safeguarding, St Helens and Knowsley
  2. In July the work was  prioritised from the  deliverables in a SMART way. The CAMHS SOP is being reviewed to reflect the changes in the pathways
  3. There are sub groups now from within the pathways – to lead on their actions: Psychological therapies, psychiatry, are two of these
  4. Workstreams leads/reps identified and workstreams have met for their initial meeting and further meetings will be fortnightly.

August update:

1. The workforce has been mapped for all services roles, bands, recruitment – levelling up discussions taken to collaborative group and shared with finance to support planning

2. An organisation plan has been drafted which includes staff engagement events, leaders ‘leading change’ events, workforce virtual mega conversation etc

3. An external stakeholder event is planned in October to support transformation

4. CReST demand and capacity modelling is ongoing, further modelling for the 12 month forward view for all services then this will be taken back to all teams.