In line with our Perfect Care Goal, zero acceptance of racism, discrimination and unacceptable behaviours, the Trust has signed up to the national Sexual Safety Charter and will be working towards implementing all ten commitments between now and July 2024 – full details are available on NHS England's website.

We want you to feel safe and supported when you come to work.

Part of this work also includes ensuring that we support colleagues who may be experiencing domestic abuse. We already have lots of support available in the Trust but will be strengthening our arrangements, which includes providing training for all managers to identify and support cases of domestic abuse.

We recognise that this challenging and highly sensitive area requires a more targeted approach; therefore the work to support this will be a priority focus under the charter.

Whilst this work is underway, we would like to raise awareness that all colleagues, including managers, can seek support from their leadership teams, HR colleagues and the Safeguarding Team.

Training is already in place within our safeguarding modular and core mandated programme regarding awareness raising and signs and symptoms.

Please consult the safeguarding pages within YourSpace and the prospectus for further details or contact the safeguarding team directly.

Some of our employment policies available on YourSpace include:

More resources and details will be shared on YourSpace over the coming months.